Illustrious Illustrations
The Illustrated Bible by Tunacrystals
"Studies"Click on the gentleman on the horse with the fish to enter the "Studies" section of Tuna Crystals. You will find small illustrations or "studies" designed with you, the viewer, in mind.
"Murals"If you click on the stallion below, you will be directed to our "Murals" section, guaranteed to probably grow in number with time.
"Odds"In this "Odds" section of Tuna Crystals exist some larger paintings, but they are still in fact studies of a sort. They may even be deeper studies than the illustrations in the "Studies" section hold, though depth is obscure and hard to define.
"Ten Critters"And if you click on this one critter, you will get to see ten as a result. If there are any problems, please contact the staff.