Yo everyone!! Just got some new stuff up here on Tuna Crystals. It's kinda hard to get to the page to see 'em, but whatever - computers are miserable! Me, I'd rather be out in the open air with a fishing pole, just fishing out in the open sunshine. So anyway, you gotta put the cursor over the "Illustrious Illustrations" tab and "Ten Critters" will descend in a little rounded white, additional tab. Just click on that one to see some new big paintings if you wanna. But between these big paintings, and F-Shirts, there hasn't been much time for fishing, so that's where I'm headed right now. There's huge fish everywhere, you just gotta find 'em and get 'em in your boat! Then eat 'em, or let 'em go, or keep 'em and put 'em on your wall at home. Trophies are valid in my book!
Keep it real!
Keep it real!