hey my name is croton and just as a heads up the shift key and period key on my computer are broken so i can't capitalize anything or end sentences and i'll be announcing all the news about puny - tuna crystals' newest affiliate - who has a new ep called 'the sports store' - simply click the album's title to give it a listen - and a lot of times it helps to introduce things if i put it in the context of a dream i had and i had the craziest dream the other day where i was in the wild west, but it was on the edge of the ocean and the ocean had more bubbles than it usually does and there was a bunch of mexican standoffs going on and a big gunfight was about to break out and it would have for sure but one of the would-be gun-fighters noticed that i had wooden teeth and so his anger went away because it reminded him of his gramma and he loved his gramma and he sat everyone down and everyone put their guns away and they all got real peaceful and were listening really close for what he was going to say and when he opened his mouth to tell a story about his gramma, he accidentally farted and everyone was laughing and someone shouted: 'lets go swimming' so everyone put their swimming suits on and luckily for the ones that didn't have swimming suits just the right amount of people had two suits and they shared theirs so everyone had one and all the bubbles made it so we could breath underwater and we all swam down to the ocean floor and someone yelled in a distorted underwater voice - 'let's reenact the gunfight situation down here that we were just having up above on land but this time lets let travis tell us lots of stories about his gramma instead of going swimming because we won't be tempted to do so since we're already underwater' and then everyone was cheering and making lots more bubbles and being very supportive and then i woke up and it got me thinking about how the dream went through exactly the same movements and emotions as 'the sports store' in a big way so it might help to have the wild west dream in mind if you are listening to the album and i hope you enjoy it
ps i know you're thinking 'how'd croton use an exclamation point without a shift key,' but i copied it from a document on the internet about exclamation points and pasted it! haha oldest trick in the book!
ps i know you're thinking 'how'd croton use an exclamation point without a shift key,' but i copied it from a document on the internet about exclamation points and pasted it! haha oldest trick in the book!