Everyone's been asking when we were going to take the next step, and those who weren't in the know didn't even know what step Tuna Crystals was taking, but today we're sharing our secret! All that most people knew was that we were planning on revolutionizing fashions and clothes, but they didn't know what direction in which we would revolutionize it in. So the secret's out, and already tons of people have purchased them from us, and there's already a big waitlist. It seems we can't make enough of them to keep up with everyone's desires. In case you're still wondering what I'm talking about, it's F-Shirts I'm talking about! You'll find them under our "F-Shirts" tab on the upper part of this website's page, and they're different from T-Shirts in that the shape they make is an "F" when you wear them and not a "T" like normally. There's been some concern from our more patriotic fans, however. They are worried because we've outsourced our F-Shirt production to the Philippines, and they are worried due to this because it reduces workable jobs over here, but we think it's okay because it's not just us over here that needs jobs, but other people everywhere need jobs, too. So I hope that explains our feelings on a hard and touchy topic to the hard and touchy folk out there.
So in conclusion, there will be more too look forward to very soon, so as always, keep on looking at our new stuff, because its frequency is growing. We are frequently putting on more stuff on Tuna Crystals. So as always, thank you for your support and if the support stays at about the same level as it is now, F-Shirts will be quickly replacing the T-Shirts in this fast-paced world of different types of technologies.
So in conclusion, there will be more too look forward to very soon, so as always, keep on looking at our new stuff, because its frequency is growing. We are frequently putting on more stuff on Tuna Crystals. So as always, thank you for your support and if the support stays at about the same level as it is now, F-Shirts will be quickly replacing the T-Shirts in this fast-paced world of different types of technologies.