Well, this new fish mural (click on that pink link!) is remarkable for a lot of reasons. It kinda reminds me of in the movie Bull Durham when I say, "God, that sucker teed off on that like he know I was gonna throw a fastball!" The mural's also very similar to when I say, "Why's he always calling me Meat? I'm the guy driving the Porsche!" I also say that one in Bull Durham. Or also I say, "Hey, Annie, what's all this molecule stuff?" I could go on with the comparisons, but I'm getting sleepy. Know why? Because it is past my bedtime! I'm not young like I was in Bull Durham, and plenty of sleep helps me out so I can stay fresh for cool gigs!
But yeah, if you like me or my movies, you should probably stay tuned, because I'll keep filling you in on some of my favorite quotes!
Glad you're listening!