Me and Sandy are happy and proud to introduce another new Tuna Crystals video! This new one has a few similar elements to the Mexican Standoff video we just recently revealed, but it is in a Morning Talkshow format as opposed the the previous Western feel of the Mexican Standoff one. The topics are 'food', 'hard work', and Randy couldn't help but notice there's a little 'love' thrown in there, too. Which is what we've always been preaching. But the thing behind any good preacher worth their marbles that you'd hope to find is that he/she had better be preaching what they actually do themselves. Like a "you are what you eat" kind of thing. And we don't like to Pat ourselves on the back, but since there are two of us, Sandy can Pat my back and I can Pat Randy's for him, and since we're unified in matrimony, it's like we're patting our own back as a result, even if we're physically patting each others. As long as you're doing it without hubris, it's okay.
So get your baseball gloves on, because we're pitching a little bit of eternal love your way. Catch the love and spread it around, because we know from experience, there's enough of it for everyone to get their bite!
Randy Sandy and Sandy Randy